Sunday, June 10, 2007

Tribalbot and Cadillac Cowboy clothing colab

Seeing as we are based in Oklahoma, we thought we would take the "one off t-shirt design" thing to a new plain (pun indented) by utilizing a few ingredients which seem to be plentiful in these here parts, like guns and land. We have our share of UFO's too but non were availble for this shoot. Oh and of course dry ice bombs filled w/ RIT dye, they were a pretty critical part of the process...

yep the trick is to shoot the bombs full of dye before they explode, but the longer you wait the more the pressure builds which makes for a better application of dye to fabric.

I think we lost only 2 shirts to buckshot overload.

Anyway we made a short art documentary out of the process which is in the final edit stages, and I'll share that as soon as we can get it online.

In the meanwhile here are some pics.

shooting the shooter

the fun is about to begin


okie Tie-dye


one finished close up

tribalbot + cadillac cowboy hoodie

The lovely Camilla posing.

tribalbot + cadillac cowboy = fresh wearables

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