Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Photos From united trade show in vegas

so fun went to vegas again! it was a great time for the most part. artist ian mailhot built us an awesome booth, pinski and seth flew out and derek albeck drove out with marco zamora from los angeles. there were alot of cool lines at the show including beta unit. they are the guys from maek gallery, where we are hosting the third stop of the white album show on september 15th. the turn out for the vegas white album show was great. thankyou to everyone who showed up! thankyou to derek for painting the giant blue penis on the wall and almost getting us beat up by the maintinence man, haha. also thankyou to the dickheads that stole art from the show. i hope they trip and fall on top of it and it stabs them through the chest. i will post some photos from the white album opening later this week. hope all is well

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

some half frame photos

i recently got this little plastic camera that shoots half frame photos.

i hope you enjoy them!
