its the 4th of july and i should be at the beach chasing babes, but instead i am in my room posting on fartminusf. i would truly like to get up and start my day, but the weight of hungoverness i am carrying on my shoulders makes it impossible to exit the bed. i know that none of this pertains to the show at maek gallery, so lets get to business. last saturday the guys at beta unit invited me out to check out there new show, "what goes around comes around", so me and mr riley cooper road our bikes 20 miles in 110degree heat to the train station. riley is freshly 18 years old and he already has a full beard. he also packs all the orders over here at fun so that makes him a double threat. just in case you dont know, beta unit is a new clothing brand based out of encinites, or is it spelled encinetas, shoot i am a bad speller. anywho, there office space is split into a half office half gallery space and thats where you get maek. if you want to learn more about beta unit or maek gallery then check out there sites, they are good guys.

chivo art

peter mcbride

dustin ortiz art

dustin ortiz

dustin ortiz

ky baker

worst dude ever with dustin from beta unit

peter mcbride art


worst dude ever

chivo art

peter mcbride

dustin ortiz art

dustin ortiz

dustin ortiz

ky baker

worst dude ever with dustin from beta unit

peter mcbride art


worst dude ever

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