The man that loved to hump bricks
The man that loved to rub his back in flowers swarming with bees
The man that loved to lick and rub his face in dirty socks
Scott, what do you want to do, Asked Alan and Sue? I want to have fun! Cried scott.
The man that loved to punch himself in the balls and face
The man that loved to lick razor sharp objects
The man that peed out of his mouth
The man that loved to eat poop
The man that ate his own body parts
The man that wanted to fly so he jumped out of a 2 story building
The man with 20 arms
The man that loved to do art
When I was really young my dad used to tell me that laughter is very important! After going to art college where I thought I would be happier and have much more fun than being in Denver going to a regular school learning about boring things like math, literature, law, business, medicine, or any other boring subject. I decided screw it I am going to go to NY I don't know anyone I don't know where any thing is and I am going to leave all my friends here in Denver and meet new people in NY. The school that I wanted to go to in NY is very expensive and has a lot of kids interested in art that go to the school. The first year was very good a lot of experimenting. I was able to paint draw sculpt make movies hang out with friends skateboard meet tons of kids. It was great!
The second year I wasn't able to hang out with friends very much anymore and I had to paint a specific way and draw a specific way. And all my classes were required except I could choose a few of them. The difference I noticed between the two years is the second year was way more serious. For example in my class principles of illustration my teacher asked us to make an illustration that had to be sad. I made a painting of a man getting kicked in the face by a boy with spikes on his shoes. She told me to bring that piece home and make another one only the one she wanted me to make had to be sad not funny at the same time. I thought a lot about this and I decided that the only way I could make a piece that was very sad was to make a photo realistic piece that was about a very serious topic. Or take a photo of something very sad. I began to paint as I painted I became very into my piece and I began to feel very sad. When I showed it to my teacher I was sad and when she looked at the piece she said very good. Although she wasn't as sad as I was when looking at the piece. When I got home that day from school I began to paint another sad image. When I talked to my mom on the phone she said how are you and I said not so good. Maybe I didn't explain to her why or even knew why but she began to worry. As the weeks went on I became more and more sad and didn't even know exactly why all I could think about was how terrible the world was and how terrible my situation was. I was angry and sad all the time. I decided fuck it I am going to switch majors to fine art. I did and then I switched right back because earlier that day I had talked to the chair of my program about how I felt and he said that I should stay in illustration because I will be able to learn a lot more. He showed that he disliked the idea of fine art by telling me how bad it was. I became very confused and then this time I began to panic I couldn't decide what to do and I stopped eating properly and stopped being around other people as well as stopped doing art. I wasn't myself at all. As the weeks went on I talked to my parents and my friends and didn't do a lot of my homework and I missed a bunch of days of school. I needed a break from everything so I could think. I still wasn't feeling much better when I began to think about what my dad said how he wanted to keep things simple. I had always said when he said that why keep things simple? Life isnt that simple and why not challenge yourself and sort of argue with what he said. Although the idea began to make sense, perfect sense. I tried it I said, “fuck all this crap in my room and all of my files on my computer and all the things I need to do I will just do what I need to do today”. Then the next day I did the same thing only I tried doing a few more things. This went on for the next few days and I began to feel much better…